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Friday, March 26, 2010

Do We Have A President In Ghana?

Chief, Fetish Priest Killed...As Land Guards Clash In Denkyira
Date: 23-Mar-2010

Peacefmonline.com can confirm that three people, including a local chief and a fetish priest(Wulomo) have died at Denkyira, near Weija, in the Greater Accra Region," ____________________________________

General News of Tuesday, 23 March 2010 Source: GNA Chief murdered in Tamale by angry youth
Tamale, March 23, GNA - The Chief of Garezegu, suburb of the Tamale Metropolis, Yakubu Andani, was murdered on Monday at about 1900 hours by a group of angry youth.


The two above headlines greeted Ghanaians on 23rd December 2010. Let's hope this "SAA SEBEN LEAVERS" administration do not temporize as it is known to do and act immediately to bring law and order in these areas so that the citizens of those two towns can go about their daily chores without fear.
About two weeks ago before Asantehene issued his threats to arrest Techimanhene if the government fails to act and address the Tuobodomhene's kidnapping, I wrote an article about President Mills presiding over a Banana Republic due to the breakdown of law and order in Ghana and received tongue lashing from the usual sycophantic NDC zealots. Three days later, Asantehene was so miffed he lost his cool and threatened to nab Techimanhene like a hawk grabbing a fowl if the government fails to act. I know some people were not enthused at the way Asantehene acted but it got the government to get up from its 'fanny' and start ruling as it was voted to do.

Fellow Ghanaians, this is not an article about Asantehene and Techimanhene, who is right and who is wrong but as people with a common destiny, we have to realise that, there is a complete breakdown of law and order in Ghana because we've elected an "ASOMDWEHENE" who has failed miserably to act as a President and rather is acting like a Roman Catholic Cardinal extorting us to 'fast' constantly while he and his schoolboys Ministers are living large on our scanty resources. Just yesterday the deputy Information Minister, Ablakwa Okudzeto was all over the airwaves proclaiming that NDC in just fifteen months in Office has created 1.6 million jobs. I will leave this stupid utterance from a beaver tooth Okudzeto alone and concentrate on Mills presiding over a country coming apart at the seams.

The report coming from Tamale about the killing of another Tamale Chief is exiguous but the synopsis of it is that, the youths of that town near Tamale didnot like their newly installed chief so they decided to kill him like killing a goat without any regard to human sanctity. Is that what this country has come to? Since the assumption of office byPresident Mills, it seems like the law of the jungle is what is pertaining in Ghana because we have a lancourPresident who seems not to know what he is elected to do or he is still waiting for somebody to hand him the functions of what a President is supposed to do. How can a Chief kidnap another chief in Ghana and then proclaim that his Party is in power and for ten good days, not a whimper was heard from this moribund administration in a morbid kidnapping episode?

The capital city, Accra has not been sparred of this chieftancy nonsense either because this administration has chosen to play kingmakers in the Ga Mantse stool. The Ga Mantse is now at loggerheads with Mills administration and and now a sub chief from Weija Accra was murdered by languards because there is no fear from any section of the country of this administration where those supporting NDC have taken the law into their own hands and meting out their own jungle justice without this administration doing anything about it. The same day these two chiefs' were killed, NDC youths in another northern town seized NHIS office like the NDC youth in Dunkwa did a couple of weeks ago.

Carl Wilson, a known car thief is now working from the castle as the car seizing Czar despite evidence that, this Togolese thief stole a car and has it painted in the middle of the night. Now stolen Motorbikes from England has vanished from the port like the cars Carl Wilson and his boss Alex Segbefia are colluding and stealing from the port. Now the Brits and the Interpol are in Ghana looking for the bike thieves, what a disgraceful government.

In Atta Mills Ghana, our lives are in danger due to breakdown of law and order and our properties are not safe either as they are being confiscated and appropriated by the thugs operating from the Osu Castle. Ghanaians did not vote for this lawless government masquerading as "Asomdwehene" while in actual fact it it is a reckless government that has ceded its power to the thugs who used to be armed robbers. Let's face facts, do you think the same NDC idiots would be behaving like this if Rawlings was the President? I don't like the murderer but at least he instilled fear in his armed robbing supporters.

Justice Sarpong
Houston, Texas. ,

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