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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Replace the NSS boss immediately - Group

A call has being made to President Mills to as a matter of urgency replace the embattled boss of the National Service Scheme, Vincent Kuagbenu, to save the image of the Presidency and that of the government.

In a release issued in Accra by a group called the “Better Ghana Forum” [BGF] and signed by its Media Liaison Officer and Coordinator, Emmanuel Osabutey, the BGF said Mr Kuagbenu's continue stay in office will bring the name of the government into disrepute.

The call comes in the wake of recent resignations that hit the NSS on reasons of intimidation and threats of dismissal on the part of acting Executive Director of the Service Secretariat. The board of governors of the NSS met on Friday and Saturday October 16 and 17 and are expected to issue a statement on Monday.

Information available to Asempa FM also indicates that Mr. Vincent Senam Kuagbenu has been meeting with some regional directors of the Service Scheme at the Splender Hotel at Santasi in the Kumasi Metropolis to garner support in his bid to remain at post.

But speaking to Asempa News, Mr. Osabutey said at a period when service personnel are struggling with their postings and allowances and with the resignation of the entire staff of the accounts department of the Service Secretariat, it is worth sacrificing one person than to allow the establishment of the NSS to suffer.

The release also called on the President to crack the whip in dealing with the issues of alleged corrupt practices in the National Health Insurance Scheme in the Ashanti Region.

It also commended the President for his swift action on the Mabey and Johnson saga involving some past and present members of the NDC administration and asked that whoever is found culpable after Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice’s [CHRAJ’s] investigations be prosecuted.

Story by Kojo Asare-Baffour Acheampong
Asempa 94.7FM

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