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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Spio Jets Down To Meet NDC Hierarchy

CEO of the Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation and one-time Presidential aspirant of the ruling NDC, Dr. Ekwow Spio-Garbrah, has indicated his readiness to meet with the party’s hierarchy in resolving the recent furore generated by his comments on President Mills’ style of governance.

In a press statement issued in Accra today, Dr Spio-Garbrah, who is currently in the country, said since he has no information regarding the process that the Party intends to use to address the issue and how long that process will take, he will be spending at least two weeks in Ghana to enable the party and/or relevant government officials have all the necessary time to deal with the issues raised.

Read below the full statement issued by Dr Spio-Garbrah.

Office of Ekwow Spio-Garbrah

P.O. Box CT 5032

Cantonments, Accra.

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen of the Media,

I am at the NDC party HQ today in response to a news item I read on the internet that the party Chairman would like to meet me and other people who have been attacking my personality in recent days.

I have travelled to Ghana from London and I am at the NDC Party office today out of respect to the Chairman of the Party, who I understand issued the statement, although I have received no phone calls, e-mails, text messages, faxes or letters from the Party headquarters on this matter.

As all in the media know quite well, I wrote an article which was serialized in the 18th and 23rd September issues of the Daily Graphic. My article attempted to honour the centenary celebration of the birth of Dr. Nkrumah and to examine what important lessons the current NDC administration could learn from Nkrumah’s achievements.

Evidently some examples used to illustrate the main points in my argument were not appreciated by all readers, and a few people in the NDC party have chosen to malign for me for my views.

In my article, no NDC officials names were mentioned, no one was insulted and the President and Vice President were mentioned only because they head the current administration. Many have argued that my article and some of the responses it received have demonstrated that there is healthy debate and internal democracy within the NDC.

Following the attacks against me by certain personalities, the media would have noted that I have granted no interviews nor made any additional statements that could inflame passions.

The Party Chairman, in his statement, has urged that such public exchanges should not bring government or the party into disrepute nor should it degenerate into attacks on personalities, and I agree with that.

I do not currently have any information regarding the process that the Party intends to use to address the matters arising from the recent furore and how long that process will take. For this reason, I will be in Ghana for at least two weeks, to enable the party and/or relevant government officials to have all the necessary time to deal with the issues raised.

Out of respect for the role of the Chairman, the Founder of the Party and the President of the Republic in this matter, I shall not make any public statements at this time beyond this document.

However, when the Council of Elders and other organs of the Party have gone into the matter and have come out with a decision or recommendations, I shall decide at that time what kind of public statements, if any, are required of me.

I shall therefore appreciate the collaboration of the media not to expect any interviews from me at this time, so as not to inflame any passions and to allow the Party hierarchy to undertake their work without any undue impediments.

Thank you

Ekow Spio-Garbrah
Source: Office of Ekwow Spio-Garbrah

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